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Exporters are indeed crucial components in the Prometheus ecosystem for collecting metrics from various applications and services that may not natively expose data in a Prometheus-compatible format.

Exporter Types

There are various exporters available, each tailored to a specific application or technology stack. Some common exporters include:

  1. Node Exporter Exports system-level metrics (CPU, memory, disk, network) from Linux/Unix servers.
  2. Application Exporter: Exposes metrics about appliation such as mysql,Apache,Blackbox etc.
  3. Prometheus Push Gateway: Allows ephemeral job results to be pushed to Prometheus.
  4. Exporter for Cloud Services: Cloud providers often offer their own exporters for their services (e.g., AWS CloudWatch Exporter).


1.Exporter Application (such as mysql , mongodb etc ) should be already install on the cluster.