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Configuration Guide

This guide provides details on how to configure the Cluster Manager project, including setting up environment variables, Keycloak integration, Dapr components, pubsub.yaml, vault.yaml, and MongoDB credentials for the Cluster API.

Cluster UI (Frontend) Configuration

Environment Variables

  • REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_URL: Set the URL of your Keycloak authentication server.

  • REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_REALM: Define the Keycloak realm for authentication.

  • REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: Specify the client ID for Keycloak authentication.

  • REACT_APP_CLUSTER_API_URL: Set the URL of the Cluster API backend service.

  • REACT_APP_CLUSTER_SERVICE_URL: Set the URL of the Cluster Service backend service.

  • Add other environment variables as needed for your specific setup.

Configuration File

You may need to create a configuration file for additional settings specific to your deployment.

Cluster Service and Cluster API (Backend) Configuration

Dapr Components Configuration

  • Configure Dapr components, such as RabbitMQ, for communication between services. Ensure that the Dapr components match the services' expectations.

pubsub.yaml Configuration

  • Edit the pubsub.yaml file to define pub/sub components and settings specific to your deployment.

vault.yaml Configuration

  • Configure the vault.yaml file to set up HashiCorp Vault integration for managing sensitive kubeconfig secrets. Ensure services have the necessary permissions to access Vault.

MongoDB Credentials

  • Provide MongoDB credentials for the Cluster API to establish a connection. Ensure that the credentials are accurate and reflect your MongoDB setup.

Keycloak Configuration

  • Set up Keycloak by creating realms, clients, and roles. Configure Keycloak to work with your frontend and backend services. Ensure that client IDs, secrets, and URLs match your deployment.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that all services have access to required resources, such as databases, messaging queues, and external services.

  • Review each repository's documentation for service-specific configuration details and best practices.


Proper configuration is essential to the successful operation of the Cluster Manager project. Make sure to review and customize the configurations to match your deployment environment and requirements. For additional assistance, consult each repository's documentation and reach out to the project community for support.