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The External Secret Operator has been seamlessly integrated into 01Cloud through the external secret service of 01Cloud. This integration enhances the security and functionality of 01Cloud by allowing users to manage external secrets more effectively.

Integration Process

External Loggert Flow Diagram

External secret Flow Diagram

Description of Integration Flow

The integration process involves the following steps:

Step 1: Selecting External Logger

In the 01Cloud console, users will find an option to enable the external logger feature. There will be a list of provider supported shown.

Step 2: User Input

Users will be prompted to provide their credentials according to selected providers. Every providers have their own credentials and process.

Step 3: Connecting to the provider

External logger will insure that the user is connected to the selected provider so that the logs can be passed seamlessly.

Step 4: Logs Collection

01Cloud will collect the logs gnerated by specific application and pass that logs to the selected provider.

Step 6: Watch logs

Finally, the logs passed from 01Cloud is visible to the users provider, making it easier to manage and analyze logs of the specific applications.