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Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) embody our 01Cloud platform workflow, set of operating principles, and collection of practices that enable the application development teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably.

The 01cloud CI/CD is a powerful tool that leverages Tekton manifests to provide built-in CI/CD capabilities. It dynamically applies YAML files found in a .01cloud folder within your Git repository, configuring tasks, pipelines, persistent volume claims (PVCs), secrets, configmaps, and pipelineruns. This documentation will guide you through the setup and usage of 01Cloud CI/CD.


Before getting started, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • An 01Cloud account.
  • Import to a Kubernetes cluster.


Tekton Pipelines package installed on the Kubernetes cluster.


There is no separate installation process for the 01Cloud CI/CD, as it operates based on the presence of a .01cloud folder in your Git repository.

  1. Git Repository Configuration

  2. Ensure your Git repository contains a .01cloud folder at the root level.

  3. Within this folder, place the necessary YAML files for tasks, pipelines, PVCs, secrets, configmaps, and pipelineruns.

  4. Pipeline Execution

  5. When changes are pushed to your Git repository, the CI/CD process is triggered automatically.

  6. The CI/CD runner reads the YAML files within the .01cloud folder and applies them dynamically.
  7. The pipeline process starts, including task execution.

  8. Healing and Failure Handling

  9. The CI/CD runner continuously monitors the pipeline process.

  10. If everything proceeds without errors, the pipeline is marked as successful.
  11. In case of any issues or failures at any step, the pipeline is marked as failed.

  12. Viewing Pipeline Details

  13. You can access the 01cloud UI to visualize the CI/CD process.

  14. In the UI, you will see details of each task, including their names and real-time logs for each step.


You have the flexibility to customize your CI/CD process by creating or modifying YAML files within the .01cloud folder. Refer to Tekton Pipelines documentation for details on defining tasks, pipelines, and other resources.


The 01cloud CI/CD Runner simplifies and automates your CI/CD process by dynamically applying Tekton manifests from your Git repository. It provides real-time visibility into your pipeline's progress and helps maintain a reliable CI/CD workflow.

For more advanced usage and troubleshooting, refer to the 01cloud and Tekton Pipelines documentation.
