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Components of 01Cloud CI


The Scripts Section in 01Cloud CI comprises three core components: Dockerfile, Sub Directory, and Add Steps. Together, these components streamline and enhance CI pipeline, enabling efficient automation of tasks, tests, and deployments.


The Dockerfile is a critical component that defines how application should be containerized. It specifies the base image, installation of dependencies, configuration settings, and application deployment instructions. This file is automatically detected and utilized when it exists in the root directory of Git repository. It plays a central role in packaging application into a Docker container, making it portable and easily deployable across various environments. It can be easily configurable.

Sub Directory

It allows to specify the location of project within Git repository. It is particularly useful when project is structured in subdirectories or want to build and deploy specific parts of repository independently. By providing the relative path to the target code and ensure that the correct source code is used for building images and running tasks.

Add Steps

A powerful feature that empowers to define individual tasks or steps in CI pipeline. Each step consists of a user-defined step name and an associated command or script. This granularity enables to orchestrate complex workflows with precision. It can use Add Steps to run tests, compile code, perform quality checks, deploy to different environments, and more. These steps can be customized to meet project's specific requirements and executed sequentially.

CI Settings

01Cloud's CI settings enable automatic builds triggered by code changes, branch switching, and real-time notifications via Email, Slack, and Webhook integration, ensuring a streamlined and informed CI/CD pipeline.


Enable or disable automatic build triggers based on pushes on desired branches and tag releases. This allows for automatic builds whenever there are code changes.

Change Branch

Easily switch between branches from within the CI settings to adapt CI pipeline to different development branches.


Stay informed about different CI/CD pipeline's event types, including normal pipeline execution and error with notification features:


Receive email notifications any updates on CI pipeline .


Integrate Slack workspace to get real-time notifications and any updates on CI pipeline.


Use webhooks to connect CI pipeline with external systems, enabling to trigger actions or receive updates based on specific events.

CI Variables

The CI Variable section in 01Cloud CI serves as a secure repository for storing sensitive or confidential data, such as credentials and secrets, which can be accessed by custom CI processes. These variables are made available to every task within the .01cloud folder repository as environment variables, allowing for seamless integration into your CI/CD workflows.

Users can easily configure these variables, specifying the Key (variable name) and its corresponding Value (credentials). Leveraging the power of secrets, this feature ensures that sensitive information remains protected and is only accessible to authorized processes, enhancing the security and flexibility of your CI/CD pipeline.