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What is external logger ?

The external logger module manages the log collectors and log forwarders of your logging infrastructure, and the routing rules that specify where you want to send your different log messages.

Why external logger ?

The main use of external logger is to store the logs of your application to supported logging providers, ensuring all logs are centrally stored and accessible.The operator supports a variety of logging providers, making it flexible for users to choose the one that best suits their needs.

Advantages of external logger

  • Simplicity and Automation: The Banzai Cloud Logging Operator simplifies the deployment and management of logging solutions within Kubernetes clusters. It automates many of the complex setup processes, reducing the operational burden on administrators.

  • Kubernetes-Native: It seamlessly integrates with Kubernetes, utilizing Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and Helm charts, making it a natural fit for Kubernetes-centric environments.

  • Multi-Provider Support: The operator supports multiple logging providers, offering flexibility to select the one that best fits the specific use case or preference.