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Alert channel

In the context of 01 Cloud, "Alert Channels" refer to various destinations or communication methods through which alerts are sent to notify users or systems of specific events or issues. Each alert channel is designed to facilitate communication and notification in a particular way. Here are the available alert channels on 01 Cloud:

Avaiable channel on 01 cloud?

Email , Slack & WebHooks

Email Alert Channel

The Email Alert Channel allows users to receive alerts via email. To set up this channel, you need to provide the following required field:

Email Address Specify the email address where you want to receive alerts.

Email : 

Slack Alert Channel

The Slack Alert Channel is used to send alerts to a specific Slack channel. To configure this channel, follow these steps:

  1. slack api url Slack API URL: Provide the Slack API URL, which is used to post alerts to your designated Slack channel. For instance:

  2. slack channel Create a Slack channel where you want to receive the notifications. The alerts will be sent to this channel.

slack_api_url: ""

WebHooks Alert Channel

The WebHooks Alert Channel enables you to send alerts to a custom webhook URL. This is useful for integrating with external systems or applications. To set up this channel, you need to provide the following required field:

Webhook URL Specify the URL of the webhook where alerts should be sent. For example:
