Basic Commands
get command enables you to fetch details about any application that you have access to. This command behaves in different ways, as according to the arguments supplied.
If any id is supplied as the argument to the command then, that specific application will be fetched and printed on the console.
zocli application get <:id>
If no any id is supplied on the commmand then, all the application will be fetched, if any project value is set as default onn the conntext. Annd if there is no any default value, then this command will print the help menu.
zocli app get
This flag is available for every commands and sub-commands and this prints the help menu for that specific command, and this flag can be used as,
$ zocli app get [--help | -h]
Note: If help flag is supplied then, any other flags or arguments will be ignored
If you are not providing app id from the arguments then, you can start the --id flag, and provide the app id to fetch details about that specific one. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument.
$ zocli app get [--id | -i] 1
If you are not providing project id from the arguments then, you can start the --pid flag, and provide the project id to fetch applications of that project. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument.
$ zocli app get [--pid | -p] 1
If you are not providing project name from the arguments then, you can start the --name flag, and provide the project name to fetch details about that specific project. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument. Example:
$ zocli app get [--pname | -n] test
Output flag with format, will trigger the zocli to print the output in the desired format like, JSON and this flag can be used in combination with any other flags. This can be helpful if you want to automate works in 01cloud using any other 3rd party tools (like, jq). And as of right now, zocli supports 2 formats i.e. JSON and YAML. And you can utilize this output for using as manifest or resource file while performing actions using cli commannd apply.
You can use the output flag as,
$ zocli app get -o [json | yaml]
$ zocli app get 1 -o yaml
kind: application
id: 1
createdat: 2000-01-01T01:11:11.049859Z
name: Cli Docs
id: 1
name: france
region: france
service_type: 1
git_service: github
git_repo_url: git://
id: 51
name: springboot
id: 1
name: Cli Docs
This command helps you to renname the application.
NOTE :You must have the necessary privileges for renaming.
If any id is supplied as the argument to the command then, that specific application will be fetched and rename process will start.
zocli application rename <:id>
This flag is available for every commands and sub-commands and this prints the help menu for that specific command, and this flag can be used as,
$ zocli app rename [--help | -h]
Note: If help flag is supplied then, any other flags or arguments will be ignored
If you are not providing app id from the arguments then, you can start the --id flag, and provide the app id to fetch details about that specific one. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument.
$ zocli app rename [--id | -i] 1
If you are not providing project id from the arguments then, you can start the --pid flag, and provide the project id to fetch applications of that project. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument.
$ zocli app rename [--pid | -p] 1
If you are not providing project name from the arguments then, you can start the --name flag, and provide the project name to fetch details about that specific project. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument. Example:
$ zocli app rename [--pname | -N] test
This command helps you to delete applications residing on projects.
This flag is available for every commands and sub-commands and this prints the help menu for that specific command, and this flag can be used as,
$ zocli app delete [--help | -h]
Note: If help flag is supplied then, any other flags or arguments will be ignored
If you are not providing app id from the arguments then, you can start the --id flag, and provide the app id to fetch details about that specific one. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument.
$ zocli app delete [--id | -i] 1
If you are not providing project id from the arguments then, you can start the --pid flag, and provide the project id to fetch applications of that project. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument.
$ zocli app delete [--pid | -p] 1
If you are not providing project name from the arguments then, you can start the --name flag, and provide the project name to fetch details about that specific project. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument. Example:
$ zocli app delete [--pname | -N] test