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Maintain, create or use any of the organizations as deafult which are available on your 01cloud profile.


get command helps you to featch all the organizations which you have access to. This command can be used as,

$ zocli org get


There are no any arguments for this command


The only flag available on this command is,


This flag is available for every commands and sub-commands and this prints the help menu for that specific command, and this flag can be used as,

$ zocli org get [--help | -h]

Note: If help flag is supplied then, any other flags or arguments will be ignored


use command helps you to set the default organization on your cli context, with which you can now then fetch or perform activities on different projects residing on that organization.

$ zocli org use <:orgID>



Organization id can be supplied as an argument to this command, which then verifies if the organization exists and then switches your context to that specific organization.



This flag is available for every commands and sub-commands and this prints the help menu for that specific command, and this flag can be used as,

$ zocli org use [--help | -h]

Note: If help flag is supplied then, any other flags or arguments will be ignored


If you are not providing organization id from the arguments then, you can start the --id flag, and provide the organization id to use that specific one. And this exactly works as same as while provided from argument.


$ zocli org use [--id | -i] 0


del command helps you to delete the organization which your current context resides in i.e. if you initiate the del command residing a context with organization with id 3, then cli will trigger deletion of that specific organization. And you will be asked for verification if you want to continue.

NOTE: Watch before proceding to deletion of any organization

$ zocli org del


There are no any arguments for this command


The only flag available on this command is,


This flag is available for every commands and sub-commands and this prints the help menu for that specific command, and this flag can be used as,

$ zocli org del [--help | -h]

Note: If help flag is supplied then, any other flags or arguments will be ignored